At least to some extent, as the result of the new Tofflers’ cooperation with a few elderly officials of the U

At least to some extent, as the result of the new Tofflers’ cooperation with a few elderly officials of the U

During the April 1982, at the moment whenever Lyndon LaRouche was engaged in extreme back-channel dealings towards Soviets, with respect to the brand new Reagan Light Domestic, around what might afterwards getting followed of the Chairman because their Proper Defense Effort (SDI)–a real trend when you look at the warfare–a couple of most lunatic supporters of the blog post-industrial «Modern age,» Alvin and you can Heidi Toffler, was basically getting put towards interior sanctums of the Pentagon, by the some of the U.S. military’s leading utopians.

S. Army’s Knowledge and you may Philosophy Demand (TRADOC), the us has actually even more used an army strategy that can finest be named «Nietzschean warfare,» in which the principles off morality, strategy, and you may mission is abandoned, and only a mindless, high-technology «scorched-earth» plan of damaging just of infrastructure, and you will tallying costs out of civilian casualties close 80%. Read more «At least to some extent, as the result of the new Tofflers’ cooperation with a few elderly officials of the U»